FoBB Membership Information
Beginners Courses
We regularly run beginner's courses, in accordance with Archery GB (AGB) Rules, throughout the year. These consist of four two-hour sessions, generally over four weeks.
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of training and we hope that you'll consider joining Forest of Bere Bowmen. Although the certificate will also allow you to join any AGB affiliated club.
To enquire about our courses and join the waiting list please email:
FoBB Membership
We welcome new members who are already qualified archers, either as full members affiliating to AGB through FoBB or as Associate members, affiliating directly or via another club.
New members are generally required to complete a six-week probationary period. During the probationary membership, archers are expected to shoot at least once a week with a Club member and on several occasions with of one or more Committee members. After this period the Committee will confirm membership.
Membership Fees
In addition to membership, fees are made up of several elements, subscriptions to Archery GB, Hampshire Archery and Southern Counties Archery. These have different levels depending on age and status of the archer. Membership starts on 1st October, fees are pro rata for the first part year membership if joining in a different part of the year.
As a result it is difficult to accurately illustrate the fees due, if you are interested in joining, please contact for details.
According to the club constitution, renewal payments are due on the third Sunday in September each year.